Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Anagrams of 'Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton'

Accepted anagrams:
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"The oration? Hardly a Mrs. Lincoln!" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2004)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Slim North Carolina lady? Not her." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Handle my arrant ol' clitoris, hon'." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2005)

Pending anagrams:
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Normally I react - 'Honor this land!'" (by Aronas Pinchas) (2008) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"So roll in M. Thatcher, an Iron Lady!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"No, America not only hard thrills!" (by Aronas Pinchas) (2008) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Intern to calm his hard on - orally." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Motherly arachnid rolls nation." (by Dharam by hand) (2008) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"An 'Iron Lady', roll on Thatcherism!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Honestly arm dollar-rich nation." (by mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Lord, halt her corny nationalism!" (by Aronas Pinchas) (2008) (pending approval)
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"->"Rally mood enthrals rich nation." (by mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
12 results

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