Ric Allberry
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Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Ric Allberry'

Accepted anagrams:
"President Clinton of the USA"->"This fine nerd copulates not!" (by Ric Allberry using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"President Clinton of the USA"->"Intern pulsated to, if chosen." (by Ric Allberry using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"President Clinton of the USA"->"Honest patriots influenced" (by Ric Allberry using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"President Clinton of the USA"->"Sod this intern of petulance!" (by Ric Allberry using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"President Clinton of the USA"->"Slid in out-of-step enchanter." (by Ric Allberry using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"President Clinton of the USA"->"Potent flasher in seduction." (by Ric Allberry using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"President Clinton of the USA"->"Untested fornication helps!" (by Ric Allberry using Anagram Genius) (1999)
7 results

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