Accepted anagrams:"Front Line Assembly"->"My Self-Reliant Snob" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (1999) "Front Line Assembly"->"Fly, Lesbian Monster!" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (1999) "Sisters of Mercy"->"Refit My Crosses" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (1999) "Pretty Hate Machine"->"I'm the apathy center" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (2000) "Force Dimension"->"Confirmed noise" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (2000) "Cleanse, Fold, and Manipulate"->"Deadpan, non-musical leaflet" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (2000) "Electronic Body Music"->"Imbeciles cry out on CD" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (2000) "Black Celebration"->"Crab-like Bel Canto" (by Mark McAndrew using Anagram Genius) (2001)
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