Lorraine Hall
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Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Lorraine Hall'

Accepted anagrams:
"Sharleen Spiteri"->"Latrine! Piss Here!" (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"The Ballad of John and Yoko"->"An old job on flaky hothead" (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"The Ballad of John and Yoko"->"Oh! an OK, jolly fathead bond." (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"->"Ho-hum! Tiny, tiddly wackiness." (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"->"Hey! Win shoddily sick mutant." (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"->"Wonky, nasty, childish tedium." (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"->"Sunny, witchlike, sham oddity" (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"->"Yum! A kindly hedonists' witch." (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"McCartney, Lennon, Harrison and Starr"->"Manly, satanic Northerners. (darn corn.)" (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"McCartney, Lennon, Harrison and Starr"->"Northern raciness can randomly rant." (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"McCartney, Lennon, Harrison and Starr"->"So dynamic 'n' carnal Northern ranters!" (by Lorraine Hall using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Gaby Roslin"->"A grisly nob" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2001)
"Fatboy Slim"->"I, Mostly fab" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Fatboy Slim"->"My fat boils" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Fatboy Slim"->"Foamy B-List" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Darius Danesh"->"Hindu Sad-Arse" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Darius Danesh"->"Aha! I'd undress!!" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Darius Danesh"->"Has dud arisen?" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Darius Danesh"->"Die-hard Susan." (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Darius Danesh"->"Ha! Sure sad din!" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Darius Danesh"->"Ash-dried anus." (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"The Spice Girls"->"Piglets' riches." (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Rik Waller"->"Raw killer." (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Gareth Gates"->"Ah! Gets great!" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Little House On The Prairie"->"Theirs the lonelier utopia." (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Little House On The Prairie"->"Hoorah! elite, elite turnips!" (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2002)
"Enid Blyton"->"Tiny Blonde." (by Lorraine Hall by hand) (2003)
27 results

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