Keith Knight
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Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Keith Knight'

Accepted anagrams:
"Federal Income Tax"->"I'm an extra, cold fee." (by Keith Knight using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Terms of endearment"->"Fear tender moments." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"Analyze This"->"His zany tale." (by Keith Knight by hand) (2005)
"Washington crossing the Delaware"->"A long night showed war resistance." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"It was a dark and stormy night"->"My radar data knows it's thing." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"The beer that made Milwaukee famous"->"O' true mum, a weak male feeds the habit." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"The beer that made Milwaukee famous"->"But mature females do hate him a week." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
""All my ex's live in Texas" by George strait"->"My bet? All six exaggerate evils in story!" (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"American Gothic"->"Oh! Certain Magic!" (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"American Gothic"->"I got a nice charm." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"God Bless America"->"Bride's goals came." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"A Denial of Service attack"->"Cease data for active link." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"Independent Prosecutor"->"Depend on true Inspector." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"Les Miserables by Victor Hugo"->"Very big clash is troublesome." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"Les Miserables by Victor Hugo"->"Clergy to bless misbehaviour." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams"->"Man's deliberate malice answers seedy interest." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"Apocalypse Now"->"One slow papacy." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"The Star Spangled Banner"->"Grant a resplendent bash." (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"Nattering nabobs of negativity"->"Fat annoying bitter voting base!" (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"The Yellow Rose of Texas"->"So Easy! Extol the flower!" (by Keith Knight) (2005)
"The Yellow Rose of Texas"->"Yes fool... Lower the taxes!" (by Keith Knight) (2005)
21 results

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