Benjamin Yardley
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Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Benjamin Yardley'

Accepted anagrams:
"George Walker Bush"->"Blush, war geek ogre." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"Donald Rumsfeld"->"Slumland fodder." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"General of the US Army Tommy Franks"->"Aye, my rough men strafe, flank, storm." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"The US Attorney General John Ashcroft"->"He channels for rage, hate; not joy, trust." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"Operation Enduring Freedom"->"A report, i.e., on modern feuding." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"I came, I saw, I conquered"->"Iraqi omen: we ice a scud." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"Yale University"->"Invite us yearly." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"To err is human, to forgive divine."->"I've humor to give in trade for sin." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"Shock and awe"->"Shake now, Cad!" (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"Virginia is for lovers"->"Sir, I favor virgins. Ole!" (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"The New York Times"->"Hit key metro news." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2003)
"Tanzania"->"Anna, a zit!" (by Benjamin Yardley using Anagram Genius) (2004)

Pending anagrams:
"Sarah Louise Palin"->"I has a lousier plan." (by Benjamin Yardley by hand) (2008) (pending approval)
13 results

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