Miscellaneous points
The definitive site for fun anagrams!

Anagram Genius Archive

If you are associated with any of the people or companies contained in this Archive you are requested to take the anagrams in the light-hearted spirit in which they were intended. Anything said or implied by an anagram is as likely to be fiction as it is to have any basis in fact and any offence is genuinely regretted.

The caricatures illustrating some of the anagram pages were drawn for us by Angie Jordan. To learn more about her work, please visit www.MugsandMagic.com

Some of the entries in the directory are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. These are acknowledged.

By offering your anagrams for inclusion in the Archive you are giving us permission for them to be used in a wide variety of commercial and non-commercial ways. In return we shall permanently associate your name with the submitted anagrams so you can be credited with their discovery and (if you wish) acknowledge your contribution by the anagram on the website if it is published there. We may also credit you in other places the anagrams are used whenever (at our sole discretion) we judge it to be practical to do so.

The Archive is copyright © 1995-2005 William Tunstall-Pedoe (william@genius2000.com). All rights reserved.

Linking to www.AnagramGenius.com or any of the pages in the archive can be done without permission. Please obtain permission from us before reproducing any of the material in the archive including (but not limited to) anagrams, graphics and artwork.

Any queries or complaints about the content of the Archive should be addressed to William Tunstall-Pedoe (william@genius2000.com).

Archive index
www.anagramgenius.com home page

(e.g. saddam)
Subject Author Anagram


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Genius 2000 Software