The Republican Party
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Anagrams of 'The Republican Party'

Accepted anagrams:
"The Republican Party"->"Try neat, happier club." (by Dante Filipponi using Anagram Genius) (2002)
"The Republican Party"->"Petty, banal, pure rich." (by Joe Fathallah using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"The Republican Party"->"Aren't public therapy." (by Dante Filipponi using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"The Republican Party"->"Entire rat club happy!" (by Dante Filipponi using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"The Republican Party"->"Pure planetary bitch!" (by Lara Filipponi using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The Republican Party"->"Buy that pearl, Prince!" (by Dante Filipponi using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"The Republican Party"->"Reputably, in the crap." (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2004)

Pending anagrams:
"The Republican Party"->"Try the incurable pap." (by Judson T. Pewther using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Authentic pearl, by PR." (by Judson T. Pewther using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Puny, pathetic barrel." (by anon using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Clear: Unhappy, bitter." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"The purer, PC banality." (by Judson T. Pewther using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Abruptly inept reach." (by anon using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Prat Cheney: "April? Tub!"" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"The aberrancy pulpit." (by Judson T. Pewther using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Palin, a pretty cherub." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Pulpy, aberrant ethic." (by Judson T. Pewther using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"The Republican Party"->"Elephant? Crap! Bury it!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
18 results

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