Scott D. Snyder
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Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Scott D. Snyder'

Accepted anagrams:
"Defense of Marriage Act"->"Don't fear cages; I am free!" (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"Bush crime family"->"I barf lies, my chum." (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"Department of Homeland Security"->"The fear cult made to prey on minds." (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"Mission Accomplished"->"Cap his condom missile!" (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"Department of Homeland Security"->"Do these madmen pry into fear cult?" (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"The pledge of allegiance"->"A lie let GOP feel changed." (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"Arctic National Wildlife refuge"->"A cruel lie crafted to win a filing." (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"No-bid defense contracts"->"Tired neocons bend facts." (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"Ownership society"->"Who scores in piety?" (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
"Ownership society"->"We stir poison; yech!" (by Scott D. Snyder by hand) (2005)
10 results

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