Meyran Kraus
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Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Meyran Kraus'

Accepted anagrams:
"Giovanni Pergolesi"->"I love opera singing." (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Soccer Player"->"Score, leap, cry!" (by Meyran Kraus) (1999)
"Prosecution"->"Pose in court." (by Meyran Kraus) (1998)
"The Imperial Tobacco Company"->"Hypocritical mob, a top menace." (by Meyran Kraus) (2000)
"Contaminated"->"No Admittance." (by Meyran Kraus) (2000)
"Cartoons"->"No actors!" (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (1998)
"Cosmetic Surgery"->"Yes, I correct mugs!" (by Meyran Kraus) (2001)
"The president of Iraq Saddam Hussein"->"Press had to enquire if this man's dead." (by Meyran Kraus) (2003)
"Antonio Banderas"->"No brains on a date" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"George Clooney"->"Energy, cool ego" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Melanie Griffith"->"Right fee in a film" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Sylvester Stallone"->"Very less tall on set" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Sylvester Stallone"->"Only at stress level" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Sharon Stone"->"Not on her ass" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Alanis Morissette"->"A real mess to sit in" (by Meyran Kraus by hand) (1996)
"Guns and Roses"->"USA nerd songs" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Kevin Costner"->"Never in stock" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Pierce Brosnan"->"Inborn as creep" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Pamela Anderson Lee"->"No sleep, dear, anal me" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"James Cameron"->"Major menaces" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Tommy Lee Jones"->"Molest me, enjoy!" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Diane Keaton"->"Take, do 'Annie'" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Ronald Reagan"->"An oral danger" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"William Shatner"->"Hair sit well, man!" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Peter Cushing"->"Upright scene" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Peter Cushing"->"I grunt speech" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Peter Cushing"->"Thug creeps in" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Helena Bonham Carter"->"Be no ham - learn her act!" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Helena Bonham Carter"->"Hear her nobleman act" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Walter Disney"->"Drew in a style" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Gary Oldman"->"A damn glory" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"The Godfather"->"Theft, hard ego" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"George Clooney"->"ER ecology? Gone!" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Julia Roberts"->"I lust rear-job" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Mariah Carey"->"A creamy hair" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Courtney Love"->"Very cool tune" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Cyndi Lauper"->"Lunacy, pride" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Sexual Relationship"->"Arousal, sin. Help exit!" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Sexual Relationship"->"A phallus exit; I snore." (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Worship Satan"->"Wrath, passion" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Gloria Estefan"->"Tale of a singer" (by Meyran Kraus) (1996)
"Sigourney Weaver"->"Revenge is our way" (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (1997)
"Directors"->"Creditors" (by Meyran Kraus) (1997)
"Adolf Hitler"->"Do real filth" (by Meyran Kraus) (1997)
"Al Pacino"->"A pal, icon" (by Meyran Kraus) (1997)
"Michael Schumacher"->"I helm much, chase car" (by Meyran Kraus) (1998)
"A Wet T-Shirt Contest"->"Wants hot, erect tits" (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (1998)
"A Wet T-Shirt Contest"->"Water tits, not chest!" (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (1998)
"A Wet T-Shirt Contest"->"Tart chest-set? It won!" (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (1998)
"Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein""->"Her entry yells: "Fake man? Sins!"" (by Meyran Kraus) (1998)
"The Afterlife"->"Feel that fire!" (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (1998)
"Disc"->"Is CD." (by Meyran Kraus) (1998)
"An enigma"->"A meaning." (by Meyran Kraus) (1998)
"Robert Schumann"->"Brahms nocturne." (by Meyran Kraus) (1999)
"The Imperial Tobacco Company"->"Impolite Cancer-Apathy Mob, Co." (by Meyran Kraus) (2000)
"Mel Gibson, "The Patriot""->"He is promoting battle!" (by Meyran Kraus) (2000)
"The Dead Parrot"->"A rather odd pet..." (by Meyran Kraus) (2000)
"The Ten Commandments"->"Them contents damn me." (by Meyran Kraus) (2000)
"Bad dream"->"Bed drama." (by Meyran Kraus by hand) (2001)
"'Anagram Genius - The Book' (William Tunstall-Pedoe, Donald L. Holmes)"->"One will look them up to read all about small, hidden gags in names!" (by Meyran Kraus) (2003)
"The Anagram Genius Site"->"Guarantee: Has gems in it!" (by Meyran Kraus) (2003)
"The Anagram Genius Software by William Tunstall-Pedoe"->"Always be a great lingual implement of word enthusiast." (by Meyran Kraus) (2003)
"The Anagram Genius Software by William Tunstall-Pedoe"->"Will mean 'Best Wordplay Time' for a language enthusiast." (by Meyran Kraus) (2003)
"A single mother"->"Losing her mate." (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Zoran Bogdan Radisavljevic"->"Avid bard (Slavic jargon zone!)" (by Meyran Kraus using Anagram Genius) (2005)

Pending anagrams:
"The DreamWorks Studio"->"Our team did two 'Shreks'" (by Meyran Kraus) (2004) (pending approval)
"C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe""->"We enter a world which is behind that closet." (by Meyran Kraus by hand) (2005) (pending approval)
""Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin killed by a stingray"->"Dying diver will utter his last, ocean-borne "Crikey!"" (by Meyran Kraus by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan"->"An abnormal foreign kook realizing the brutal, racist nature of some fanatic USA folk." (by Meyran Kraus by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"The Immortal Bard, William Shakespeare"->"This admirable writer shall make a poem." (by Meyran Kraus by hand) (2007) (pending approval)
"Immensely thankful, touched, proud, astonished, abashed"->"Only a man that refused to be hushed could speak his mind." (by Meyran Kraus) (2007) (pending approval)
"It's a life worth living"->"...if I win that girl's love!" (by Meyran Kraus) (2009) (pending approval)
"Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper"->"Depict all persons and the Saviour." (by Meyran Kraus) (2010) (pending approval)
"Italian crime boss"->"A Sicilian mobster." (by Meyran Kraus) (2010) (pending approval)
"Really bad eyesight"->"Barely see daylight!" (by Meyran Kraus) (2010) (pending approval)
"If love isn't here..."->"...then life is over." (by Meyran Kraus) (2010) (pending approval)
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"->"The noble epic of bandits was rated "Arr!"" (by Meyran Kraus) (2010) (pending approval)
"Premenstrual"->"Lunar tempers." (by Meyran Kraus) (2010) (pending approval)
"Director James Cameron"->"Set major cinema record." (by Meyran Kraus) (2010) (pending approval)
"Commercial Boeing Planes"->"Nice cabins, ample leg-room." (by Meyran Kraus) (2011) (pending approval)
"Obama, current leader of the United States"->"Another term's fate is unclear due to a debt." (by Meyran Kraus) (2011) (pending approval)
"A psychoanalyst using the Freudian method"->"Can help you find out the things a dream says." (by Meyran Kraus) (2011) (pending approval)
"A psychoanalyst using the Freudian method"->"Can help you find out the things a dream says." (by Meyran Kraus) (2011) (pending approval)
"Laughter is the best medicine"->"In this bad time, glee's the cure." (by Meyran Kraus) (2011) (pending approval)
"Laughter is the best medicine"->"The genial side is much better." (by Meyran Kraus) (2011) (pending approval)
85 results

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