Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Jean'
Accepted anagrams:
"A perfectionist"->"I often practise." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"Islamic Fundamentalists"->"Male lunatics and misfits." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"Internal Revenue Service"->"I never return even a slice." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"School dinners"->"Hinders colons." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2002)
"Traffic rules"->"Careful first." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (1997)
"Islamic Fundamentalist"->"Male and misfit lunatics." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"A highwayman"->"Away! Hang him!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Bush Administration"->"Its hubris? Damnation!" (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"An Indian restaurant"->"Naan 'n' irritated anus!" (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Bible Code Revealed"->"Believable decoder?" (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"The Houses of Parliament"->"The apes inflame or shout!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The British Hospital for Mothers and Babies"->"Hi Sir! I, best home for both bald rash patients." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1996)
"Pauline and Arthur Fowler"->"Hi! Turn up near Walford ale!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (1996)
"The actress Delanie Forbes"->"Bile for EastEnders cast, eh?" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (1996)
"The maternity hospital"->"Type that mothers ail in." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (1996)
"Tony Blair"->"I, Lab ‘n’ Tory." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"Shakespeare"->"Seek a phrase." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"Number Ten Downing Street"->"Grow eminent, but end stern." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"Adam West"->"Am wasted." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"Burt Ward"->"Braw turd." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"HP sauce"->"Aches up." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"Marmite"->"Rim mate." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"The Earthquakes"->"That queer shake!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"The actress Debbie Arnold"->"Hold EastEnders! BBC irate!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (1997)
"The actress Debbie Arnold"->"I hear BBC told EastEnders." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (1997)
"The actress Debbie Arnold"->"I hold BBC EastEnders rate." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (1997)
"SuperTed"->"Rude pest." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Philip Schofield"->"Childish pop file." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Going Live!"->"Living ego." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Going Live!"->"Going vile." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Going Live!"->"Going evil." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Skeletor"->"Sleek rot." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Cringer"->"Grr! Nice." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Sons and Daughters"->"Go! Hurt and sadness." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Mister Bean"->"Meet brains?" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Only Fools and Horses"->"Has loony for Del’s son." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Only Fools and Horses"->"Loon Rodney's so flash!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Richard Clayderman"->"Rare CD charmin’ lady." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Sasha Distel"->"‘as hits deals." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Hartley’s Jam"->"Eh? My last jar?" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"Westlife"->"Feel wits." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1998)
"The volcano's active"->"Cone evicts hot lava." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (1998)
"Liverpool FC"->"Pelvic floor." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Chelsea Football Club"->"Callous fat leech blob." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"The Radio Times"->"I, he read it most." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"National Blood Service"->"Lovable consideration." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Highwayman Dick Turpin"->"Whacking, hard impunity." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Al Capone"->"No palace." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Al Capone"->"No ace pal." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Len Fairclough"->"Foul large chin." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Burnley Football"->"Foul ball rent boy." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Eltham Station"->"I am hot talents." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Policeman"->"I, cop ‘n’ male." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Policeman"->"In male cop." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Policewoman"->"I won male cop!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"The policeman"->"In the male cop." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"The Policewoman"->"I won the male cop!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"The Policewoman"->"O, win the male cop!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Robin"->"Borin’" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"The Hilton"->"Hit ‘n’ hotel." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"The Hilton"->"Thin hotel." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"Divorce scandal"->"Love can discard." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"Minutes"->"Sun time." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1999)
"The actress Daniela Denby-Ashe"->"Ha! See lady? An EastEnders bitch!" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"Mother-in-Law"->"I'm new harlot!" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (1999)
"Rome wasn't built in a day..."->"But Italians may wonder." (by Jean by hand) (1999)
"Rome was not built in a day"->"Any labour I do wants time." (by Jean by hand) (1999)
"Violence"->"Nice love?" (by Jean by hand) (1999)
"The Detectives"->"Detect thieves." (by Jean by hand) (1999)
"Television"->"Note - is live." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2000)
"Tony, Morph and Chas"->"Not mad horny chaps." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Manchester United"->"The Entrained Scum." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"West Ham United"->"I am the new dust." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Borough Station"->"O!, South train bog." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Borough Station"->"Brain to go south." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Ealing Broadway"->"Railway end, go A-B." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Morden Station"->"Mend trains too." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Morden Station"->"So, to mend train." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Waterloo Station"->"O, wot? O, trains late!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"The Sun"->"He nuts!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Moving house"->"Hugo moves in!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Noddy and Big Ears"->"Do Enid’s gay brand." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Tim Vine"->"I, in me TV!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"->"Jauntiest taunter gentleman." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Adolf Hitler"->"Or lead filth." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Stilettos"->"Toe stilts." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Quality Street"->"Quietly treats." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Recieved payment"->"Paid me every cent." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Mince pies"->"Spice in'em!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"Wild oats"->"Lad sow it." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2000)
"The actress Natalie Cassidy"->"Act shy - I ail EastEnders cast." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2000)
"Ingrid Steeger"->"Deregistering." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Malin Ek"->"Manlike" (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"The Bush administration"->"This is our man! (The bandit.)" (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"The Bush administration"->"Hid the masturbation sin." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Republican Administration"->"American distribution plan." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"United States of America"->"USA fatties on cream diet." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"The United States of America"->"Traumatises the defecation!" (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"The United States of America"->"Made the treaties count? As if!" (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Kathleen 'Kat' Slater"->"All keen? Ask the tart." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Windows ME"->"New wisdom." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean"->"A cheapish nerd and jolly introvert." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean"->"Sharp, enriched and rottenly jovial!" (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Carla Bonner"->"Carnal boner." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Daphne Clarke"->"Alpha redneck." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Evadne Baker"->"Naked beaver." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Doris Lloyd"->"Silly or odd." (by Jean by hand) (2000)
"Stephen Byers"->"N.B. He's yer pest." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Steps"->"Pests." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"The Royle Family"->"O, yer filthy male!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Night and Day"->"Handy dating." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"David Easter"->"Advert ideas." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Pete Callan"->"Ape - can tell!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Charlton Athletic"->"Clitoral chat then?" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Waterloo East Station"->"A west train so late too." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"News of the World"->"Held worst of new." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"The Times"->"Hi, test me!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Wood Green Station"->"On good sweet train." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Turnpike Lane Station"->"No peek at unlit trains." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Finsbury Park Station"->"Risk fun by a train stop." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Arsenal Station"->"Late as no trains." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Arsenal Station"->"Rails not as neat." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Kilburn Station"->"Train link to bus." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Kilburn Station"->"Link to sub train." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Kilburn Station"->"O, train link bust!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Kilburn Park Station"->"Train link to bus park." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Kilburn Park Station"->"Sub train link to park." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Holland Park Station"->"Has a London trip talk." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Marble Arch Station"->"O, stable train charm." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Queen’s Park Station"->"Pet squeaks on train." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Burnt Oak Station"->"But a train’s not OK." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Burnt Oak Station"->"Not bust a train, OK." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Chalk Farm Station"->"Talk of train chasm." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Manchester City"->"I'm Shy. Can't erect." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Wimbledon"->"Mind bowel." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Cardiff City"->"Daffy critic." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Luton Town"->"Not low nut." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Baker Street Station"->"Re: Best trains to take." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Cannon Street Station"->"One cannot test trains!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Chancery Lane Station"->"Say - can hit Central one." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"The Orthodontic Technicians Association"->"Oh, I’d cast a tooth. Cor, I can in this nice stone!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Harrison Ford"->"Fans or horrid!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Usama Bin Laden"->"Mainland be USA." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Waitress"->"A stew, sir?" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2001)
"Tommy Lancaster"->"Not my smart Alec." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Tommy “Bomber” Lancaster"->"Batty commoner rambles." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Adult novels"->"Love and lust." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2001)
"Paddington Bear"->"Adept and boring." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Conservatives"->"Craven Soviets." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"The Liberal Democrats"->"The all mediocre brats." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Art Rochester"->"Orchestrater." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Boeing"->"Big one." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"The Actress Katie Holmes"->"She likes the actors, mate!" (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Grace Sullivan"->"Vaginal ulcers." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Ernie Bourne"->"Beer. No urine?!" (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Don Bridges"->"Inbred dogs." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Aileen Britton"->"Elite brain. Not." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Henrietta"->"In theatre." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Trevor the Traction Engine"->"That reverent recognition." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"The American Taliban"->"Let in the Arab maniac!" (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Anthony Blair"->"No, a labyrinth." (by Jean by hand) (2001)
"Coronation Street"->"Er, one actor's not it" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Orthodontic Appliances"->"I can't - Oh top pliers can do" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Natalie Horrocks"->"Scant liar, hooker." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Natalie Horrocks"->"Anarchist looker." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Tony Horrocks"->"Crook's thorny." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Here and now"->"And nowhere." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Prime Minister Blair"->"Erm, I’m Britain’s peril." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Metro"->"Rot me." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Super John McGinlay"->"Sperm-launching joy." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Ipswich Town"->"Cow with spin." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"The Guardian"->"Rag head unit." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2002)
"A railway station"->"Train is away a lot." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2002)
"Southend"->"Hot dunes." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Aberdeen City Hospital"->"Hi patient - real cosy bed!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Aberdeen Maternity Hospital"->"Her tiny patient’s bed or a meal." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Barnet General Hospital"->"Err…no blag…heal patients!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Barnet General Hospital"->"Grr! A noble patient heals." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Eastman Dental Hospital"->"Man’s plan aids teeth a lot." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"The Dental Hospital"->"And has ill top teeth." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Rosamund Street"->"Not a murder’s set." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Cutty Sark Station"->"Train to stay stuck." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"The Batmobile"->"Bimbo?!! Athlete!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Dermot O’Leary"->"Me – dreary loot." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Dermot O’Leary"->"Derry male too." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"The Medium Opening Activator"->"Cor! Move teeth in again. Dump it!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Gladiator"->"A lad o' grit!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"The headstones"->"Deaths on these." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"A domesticated animal"->"Docile as a man tamed it." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"Astronomers"->"Moon arrests!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"State criminals"->"A miscreant list." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2002)
"The actress Elaine Lordan"->"All her EastEnders action!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2002)
"Milosevic"->"Cos I'm vile." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"The Oscars"->"Casts hero." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"The actor Sean Bean"->"The so erect banana!" (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"Rita Sever"->"Arrestive." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"Michael Tudor Barnes"->"I'm a lush bender actor." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"The married man"->"I'm her darn mate!" (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"War on Terrorism"->"Monster warrior." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"Raymond Doyle"->"My loony dread." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"Elaine Lordan"->"An ideal loner." (by Jean by hand) (2002)
"Watford Football"->"Afford total blow." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Pret A Manger"->"Pert manager." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"RAC"->"Car." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Dallas"->"All sad." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Elverson Road Station"->"Ooo! DLR Trains at seven!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Willesden Green Station"->"Gold train line seen west." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Tower Hill Station"->"O! The rails tilt now!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Ken Barlow"->"Rank bowel." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Audrey Potter"->"Arty, rude poet." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Emily Nugent"->"Eminent. Ugly." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Emily Swain"->"Mainly wise." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Bethany Platt"->"Path by talent." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Sue Nicholls"->"Ouch! Illness!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Helen Worth"->"Howler, then." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Sean Wilson"->"Slow. Insane." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Beverley Callard"->"Bravely recalled." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"William Tarmey"->"Merit?!! I am wally!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"Steven Arnold"->"Venal rodents." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"delicatessen"->"Ensliced eats." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2003)
"She-Ra: Princess of Power"->"Heroes rip capes? Frowns." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"The actress Joanne Adams"->"Has jam act on EastEnders." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"The actress Joanne Adams"->"Ha! Jam on EastEnders cast!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Destiny of the Human Race"->"Face sin, hurt, money, death." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"The Destiny of the Human Race"->"If he's the cute and horny mate." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"The shop Toys 'R' Us"->"The US shop story." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Our destiny"->"It's your end." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Tesco - every little helps"->"Let every shop sell it etc…" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Every little helps"->"The live prey tells…" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Erith Station"->"I, to the trains." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Muttering"->"Emit grunt." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"A Chinese restaurant"->"A nice anus shatterer." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Travis Lee"->"Versatile." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Made in USA"->"Dim nausea." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Lisa Hunter"->"The urinals." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Sam O'Brien"->"Some brain!" (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Ali Bastian"->"Labia saint." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Bounds Green Station"->"Go on! Send Tube trains." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Usama Bin Laden"->"US - Die banal man!" (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"One mortal brain disaster." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"Stolider arabian monster." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"Dirtiest abnormal reason." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"The rotten brain adores Islam." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"The sinner or maladroit beast." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"The aberrant, Islam-rooted sin." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"A retard? I'm the noble arsonist!" (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"Ah, note mad, terrible arsonist." (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden"->"Morals? None! The dirtiest Arab!" (by Jean by hand) (2003)
"Orthodontist"->"Dr - it's on tooth!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Dennis Watts"->"Want dissent." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Grant Mitchell"->"Gem can't thrill." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Kathy Beale"->"Ya, the bleak." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Mitchell Brothers"->"Botchers thrill me." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"An orthodontic study model"->"Corniest dandy tooth mould." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Karen McDonald"->"Lank, modern cad." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Eileen Grimshaw"->"Measlier whinge." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Todd Grimshaw"->"Odd warm sight." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"The Saturday Show"->"What-ho! Rude stays!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Robbie Elliott"->"Better boil oil." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Peter Shilton"->"Enter hot lips." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Peter Beardsley"->"Beery, plastered." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Neil Cox"->"Lexicon." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Gareth Southgate"->"Treat to huge shag." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Edith Nesbit"->"In the bidets." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Phyllis Pearce"->"Slippery leach." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Percy Sugden"->"Dung's creepy." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Owen Wilson"->"Win now lose." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Victoria Street"->"O! TV set criteria." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Alias the Jester"->"I hate jeers last." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Prince Adam"->"Die crap man!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Coronation Street"->"Corrie test at noon!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Coronation Street"->"Not on at Corrie set." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Eastman"->"Me, Satan." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"George Eastman"->"A serene maggot." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"George Eastman"->"Teenage orgasm." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Miss Boathook"->"OK! I'm a hot boss." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Angus McNasty"->"Nag nasty scum!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Doctor Augustus P. Crumhorn III"->"Corrupting, cautious dishumor." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"David Blaine"->"I, evil and bad!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Presidential elections"->"I see politics enter land." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Armageddon"->"Dragon-made." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2004)
"Top Shop"->"Posh top." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Sport Utility Vehicle"->"Visit city, eh? Polluter!" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Sports Utility Vehicle"->"Visit city, eh? Polluters!" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Sport Utility Vehicle"->"The cry - it is pollutive!" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Sports Utility Vehicle"->"I've this city's polluter!" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Sport Utility Vehicle"->"Truly poetic, this evil?" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Sport Utility Vehicle"->"Truly poetic? Vile, this." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"This ear"->"It hears." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens"->"Swarthier Bill Sykes convicted!" (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"Cass Elliot"->"Oscillates." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"Shobna Gulati"->"Habitual snog." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"The Olympic Games, Athens"->"The lame gymnastic hopes." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"The Olympic Games, Athens"->"The males' gymnastic hope." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"Kathleen Moon"->"Hot moan? Kneel!" (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"The prime minister of Ireland"->"Premier flirts on in the media." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"Tony Barnes"->"Nosy banter." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"The United States"->"The tastiest nude?" (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"United States"->"Tastiest nude." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"The US President"->"The rudest penis." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"West Ham"->"Wet sham." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"Parsons Green Station"->"Groan! Seen trains stop." (by Jean by hand) (2004)
"Virgin Mobile"->"I'm evil, boring." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The Empire Strikes Back"->"Am I the berserk skeptic?" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Science Fiction"->"Once scientific." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Hollyoaks Community College"->"To lucky, gloomy melancholies." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Nail technician"->"A clinician, then?" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Shortland Street"->"Hot nerd starlets." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Back to Reality"->"Bleak atrocity." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Wendy Richard"->"Her - wry, candid." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Pauline Fowler"->"Powerful alien." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Mark Fowler"->"Warmer folk." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Charlie Stubbs"->"Crabbiest lush." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Bet and Alec Gilroy"->"Gonadal celebrity." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The Queen Victoria"->"Inactive, queer, hot." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Den Watts"->"Stand wet." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Angie Watts"->"Giant sweat." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Vera Duckworth"->"Curved wrath, OK!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Deirdre Barlow"->"Worried, balder." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Hayley Cropper"->"Early prophecy." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Cilla Brown"->"I'll crab now." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Jamie Baldwin"->"Bad? Jail? I'm new!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Warren Baldwin"->"Braw winner lad." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Mike Baldwin"->"I'm weak, blind." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Bigamist Peter Barlow"->"Braw, balmiest ego-trip." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Peter Barlow"->"Twerp or able?" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Susan Barlow"->"Subnasal row." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Susan Baldwin"->"Subnasal wind." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Emily Bishop"->"Blimey! I posh!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Natalie Barnes"->"Able, insane rat." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Dev Alahan"->"He a vandal." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Fred Elliot"->"Fertile?! Old!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Rita Sullivan"->"Vital urinals." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Nick Tilsley"->"Silky client." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Orlaith"->"Hot liar." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Captain Hook"->"OK, a hot panic." (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Tinkerbell"->"Bent killer?" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The Central Line"->"Hence! Tell train!" (by Jean
Merges using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Lloyd Owen"->"Lewd loony." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Kirk Sutherland"->"Halt direr skunk." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Candice Stowe"->"Was conceited." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Doctor Matt Ramsden"->"Smart, mad, contorted." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Edward Heath"->"Headed wrath." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Maxwell Ward"->"Lewd, warm, lax." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"->"The tiny cool character of ace Dahl." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"->"Thy create chat – Charlie, fool and co." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"->"And thy create chat of cool Charlie." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"->"Wow! Dahl tale of Charlie. Not coy ‘n’ tacky!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Danny the Champion of the World"->"Oh, handwritten copy of Dahl men!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Danny the Champion of the World"->"Hand of Dahl wrote hit ‘n’ men copy." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Danny the Champion of the World"->"Oh, Dahl ‘n’ handwritten copy of ‘em!" (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"James and the Giant Peach"->"Chap Jim and he’s at age ten." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"Fresh fruit in a bottle"->"Until that berries off." (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Disintegration"->"Is it gone? Darn it!" (by Jean using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Sainsburys"->"Is run by ass?" (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Tesco Supermarket"->"Supreme cork taste." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"A Dell Computer"->"A remote, dull PC?" (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Catherine Tate"->"A reticent hate." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"New Labour Party"->"Brutal weaponry." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Sherlock Holmes (Private Detective)"->"Top crime solver. He tackled thieves." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Stephanie McIntosh"->"This tense champion." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Sindi Watts"->"Sadist twin." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Damien Bodie"->"I'm one baddie." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Rutger Hauer"->"The rare guru." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Grissom"->"I'm gross." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Richard Strange"->"Crashing retard." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Richard Strange"->"Grand, starchier." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Elle Robinson"->"Lonelier snob." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"Pauline Macer"->"Peculiar. Amen." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
Pending anagrams:
"Brent Cross Station"->"Best to scorn trains." (by Jean Merges by hand) (2004) (pending approval)
"Rayners Lane Station"->"Yes, one last train ran." (by Jean Merges by hand) (2004) (pending approval)
"Crossharbour Station"->"Car? Bus? O, train so short!" (by Jean Merges by hand) (2004) (pending approval)
"The Sainsbury's supermarket"->"My rusk, berries, pasta, The Sun." (by Jean Merges by hand) (2004) (pending approval)
373 results