Dave Payn
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Search for anagrams discovered by author 'Dave Payn'

Accepted anagrams:
"Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones"->"Actors jet in and each sued Hello! magazine." (by Dave Payn by hand) (2003)
"George W. Bush and Tony Blair"->"The boring, sly duo began war." (by Dave Payn by hand) (2003)
"Colin Montgomerie"->"I'm one gloom cretin." (by Dave Payn by hand) (2003)
"I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of Here"->"Meet; eat bug, fly or mite; Cheerio!" (by Dave Payn by hand) (2004)
"Phil Mickelson - the USA golfer"->"F**king hope I'll hole Masters!" (by Dave Payn by hand) (2004)
"'Big Ron' Atkinson"->"Is ignorant knob." (by Dave Payn by hand) (2004)
"Paris Saint-Germain"->"It inspires anagram." (by Dave Payn) (2004)
"The Oxford English Dictionary"->"I find thy lexicon's rather good." (by Dave Payn) (2004)
"Home Secretary David Blunkett and Kimberly Fortier"->"Blind man's f**ked tarty bike. Let dreary Romeo thrive." (by Dave Payn by hand) (2004)

Pending anagrams:
"Martin Adams"->"I'm a darts man." (by Dave Payn by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"England's Peter Crouch"->"Present dance. Go, Lurch!" (by Dave Payn by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Prince William and Kate Middleton"->"Diana killed in Merc: admit new plot." (by Dave Payn by hand) (2010) (pending approval)
"The UEFA Champions League"->"Chelsea: huge Utopian fame." (by Dave Payn using Anagram Genius) (2012) (pending approval)
13 results

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